coffee mug
lamp headphones
laptop laptop laptop


My name is Erin Richards and I'm a front-end web developer with a concerning coffee addiction. I started learning how to code after almost 20 years in the Hospitality industry, looking for a change of pace and a rewarding career. While shaking tins behind the bar can be so much fun, it doesn't always spark joy. Building beautiful websites and useful apps allows me to explore my creativity more fully and challenges me to expand my world-view of whats possible.

I mainly work in HTML/CSS/JavaScript, with a working knowledge of React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, and Bootstrap.

Please take a look at my projects below or paruse my Technical Resume for a look at my work.

picture of random password generator project

A random password generator using JavaScript, HTML, and simple CSS styling. Made using Scrimba's Frontend Web Developer career course.

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Random Password Generator

PacMan Game

picture of PacMan game

A simple desktop game of PacMan using JavaScript and HTML's canvas API.

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picture of crypto coin search project

A Crypto Coin Currency App using React.js, HTML, and simple CSS styling. Utilizing CoinGecko's crypto API, search the top 200 coins to see their values. Easily spot at a glance whether a coin is up or down with standard stock color-coding, and compare the price percentage from 1hr up to 24hrs.

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Crypto Coin Currency App

Daniel Richards Professional Coaching Site

picture of Daniel Richards Website

Created a full CMS system from scratch using NodeJS, ExpressJS, and Handlebars template engine with MongoDB used as the data server. Password protected so only those Coach Richards gives access to can view his personalized drills and session plans. The admin area is styled with Bootstrap5 while the front end is custom styled using CSS3. Admin section is only accessed by Coach Richards where there is the ability to upload new content, edit existing content, or delete any depreciated sessions.

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